Sunday, June 13, 2010

How To Make Chinese Buffet Pants & Stick Meat-Folk Art Drayll

My video below shows how to make you some Chinese Buffet Pants and I also talk about one of my favorite things, that would be stick meat. I just love me some stick meat. I don't know what it is but it is good and if it is good then I don't need to know what it is.

Friday, June 11, 2010

My Eyebrows Is Paint-The Story Of How I Burnt My Eybrows Off

This video tells how I burnt my eyebrows off. I have been chastised because my eyebrows look funny. Well I'm here to say they is paint. You just watch that video above and see.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Folk Art Daryll's First Blawg

I really don't know what to say here somebody told me I need to Blawg. Well I didn't know what the hell a Blawg was. Then somebody told me it was when you write about whatever you want and stick on the internet where people can read it. I didn't know that was a Blawg. I was thinking a Blawg was some kind of real big ass Dawg with a big head or something. Well, ever since I started making my Youtube videos I have been learning this internet-good-god-almighty so what the heck. I guess I'll blawg a little too.

Here's one of my videos on the Youtube!